Know. Grow. Go.

It’s more than going to church, it’s being the Church.

  • Our mission is to establish His Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy from the Holy Spirit in everyone’s lives.

  • Our mission is to equip all believers to know Him, grow in grace, and go share the gospel with others.

  • Our mission is to empower all believers with biblical teaching to overcome challenges and spiritual enemies that fight against God’s will.

  • Our mission is to go into all of the world and preach His Name, His Gospel, and His Kingdom to every creature.

His Mission Is Ours.

Our Heartbeat:
Love God With Everything & Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

In Send Church, we pursue to embody the heartbeat of God in giving our lives to Him and showing the love of God to every person, family, ethnicity, and language.

Bible Studies For You

At your convenience, now you can listen to our bible studies so you can be established, equipped, empowered, and evangelize your world.

A YouTube Channel For The Scripture-Hungry

At your convenience, now you can listen to other biblical content on our YouTube channel as well.

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